Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sins of a Solar Empire

Got to check this game out last night with a few friends and holy shit this is a awesome game.  Its like what master of orion 3 should of been!  God now i'm sad they killed that series i spent 100's of hours playing the 1st 2.

Well anyways sins really is a great game.  You start with a home planet and need to expand your empire and your fleets to protect your systems.  The best part of this game is playing with friends.  I'm not sure how many of you played risk or civilization the board game with a few ppl but those games can last for hours.  This game with 3 ppl, 2 of which had experience with the game lasted almost 3 hours.  Us 3 vs normal computers.  I can't freaking wait to get 10 actual players in this.  Games will last for ever.  Sounds long right?  It didn't feel like 3 hours at all.  I didn't know that time passed till we were looking at the end score screen.

Check this out if you like real time strat games or are looking for something to play with a few bros


  1. i played this before and its awesome

  2. It looks like Star Wars Rebellion. I used to play this game so much when I was younger!

  3. If you like Sins, you'd probably like Space Empires.

    Personally, I prefer SEIV to the more recent SEV. #D animations don't add much to a planar 4X game.

  4. I'll check it out after the Holidays.

  5. Thank you for your support on my blog!

  6. this looks like a great game to play with friends! the lasers are sick :D

  7. That looks like a pretty badass game.

  8. Virtue preserved from fell destructions blast, Following!

  9. I bought this game when it first came out. I'm not sure what the hub-bub was all about, I wasn't a big fan. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
    Followin and supportin :]

  10. I love this kind of shit- Im on it.

  11. looks like a game i'd like to try

  12. I've been looking for a decent new rts to get into for a while.. Keep seeing this for pretty reasonable prices but for some reason I've never bought it :p

  13. I dunno why but I really suck at RTS...just not aggressive enough I guess *_*

  14. Ahhh, Sins of a Solar Empire. Such a little known but absolutely incredible game. I don't think it has left my desk in several years and I still play it whenever I get a chance. So good. ^_^

  15. god bless RTS! pretty sweet looking trailer too. good find.
