Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Stumbled on this story about a person who declined to get xrayed and sexually assaulted by tsa when he returned home from France.  Spent 2 and a half hours arguing with TSA agents and police who kept him detained.  For those of you who don't know about recent TSA policy i'll inform you.  Some people will randomly have to pass through basically a xray machine and it will show EVERYTHING.  Whats worse is that these images recently got leaked onto the web.  Even worse we don't know what medical problems a person can get for going throught this machine or the ppl who use it.  You can choose to not go through but then its time for a TSA agent to rape you.  I mean pat down....and by pat down i mean your getting a physical exam to check your balls.  They even do this bs to kids.

One man who had nothing else to do refused both options and sat in security for almost 3 hours to see what would happen.  Check out his blog in the link below and i'll link his audo from talking to these people.

Personally i would refuse these bastards also. There is no need to touch my genitals or that of a child of any age.


  1. This is one of the most stupid policy! So what exactly would somre random picked xray test would change? It won't catch some more criminals. I only listened to the main argument part and the officers are just being retarded. They don't even know why they need to do this.

  2. This makes me glad that I refuse to fly. Afraid of drunk pilots lol but seriously "Don't touch my junk!" hahaha TSA needs a huge overhaul this is just ridiculous!

  3. i don't know why i listened to all of this

  4. All the more reason to invent reliable jet packs. Or better yet, lets get started on teleportation technology already.

  5. wow the tsa are horrible!

  6. am i the only one who doesn't mind having my balls groped?

  7. im surprised they let this go on so long

  8. haha french people.

  9. hella freaky. going to avoid that next time i go to france

  10. I like what you did with your blog. keep up the good work!

  11. the TSA is half retarded to be honest

  12. Its crazy their able to do this, nice read!

  13. agree with Hiphop rising ! TSA is clearly retarted...

  14. I reely like your post!
    I follow you dayle!nice work Bro!
